What are the eligibility to Pursue Wrongful Death Claims in CA

Learn about eligibility criteria for pursuing wrongful death claims in California, including statutes, limitations, and who can sue for wrongful death in 2023.
Who is Not Covered by Workers’ Compensation in California?

Discover who is excluded from workers’ compensation coverage in California. Stay informed about workers’ comp laws & regulations in the state for understanding.
How to Succeed in a Hearing Loss Claim at Work?

Workplace hearing loss is an occupational disease that is caused by exposure to noise. Noise-induced hearing loss is the most common type of hearing loss and is permanent.
5 Common Mistakes People Make While Filing a Defective Medical Device Claim

Most people injured by a medical device know they can file a claim against the manufacturer. However, many people don’t know how to go about doing this.
Can You Sue If You Fall or Slip on a Public Transportation?

If you are injured on a public bus, you might be eligible to receive compensation. Call us today for a free consultation.