When someone else’s negligence or wrongdoing kills a loved one, the emotional toll may be worse. An experienced Los Angeles wrongful death attorney must be hired to seek justice for your loved one. After hiring the right attorney, there are more steps to ensure your case is handled properly. 10 critical steps to follow hiring a lawyer for wrongful death will help you navigate this difficult process and improve your case. In this article, we will delve into the top ten steps to take while hiring a wrongful death attorney.
What are the Steps to Take After Hiring a Wrongful Death Attorney?
Losing a loved one due to negligence or wrongdoing is heartbreaking. Navigating the legal process while grieving can be difficult. Getting justice and repay for your loss starts with hiring a wrongful death attorney. After hiring the correct lawyer, there are numerous actions you should do to ensure a smooth procedure and good case management. Ten crucial steps to follow hiring a wrongful death attorney:
- Get All Relevant Documents: Get your loved one’s death papers after hiring a wrongful death attorney. This documentation is needed for your attorney to understand and represent you. A certified death certificate is needed for wrongful death claims.
- Explain the Incident: Tell your wrongful death attorney everything regarding the death. Be as specific as possible about your loved one’s death. This will help your attorney determine fault, responsibility, and wrongful death suit suitability. Provide a detailed pre-event timeline. Explain the scenario, including contributory factors and negligence. If you’ve contacted the responsible party or their insurer, tell your attorney.
- List Potential Witnesses: Wrongful death lawsuits rely largely on witness testimony. Your attorney must know if witnesses saw or interacted with your loved one before their death. Inform your attorney of possible witnesses and their contact information.
- Help Investigators: A wrongful death attorney may investigate to build your case. Your attorney may hire investigators or forensic specialists. Follow this process and your attorney’s orders. Your assistance will help the attorney build a strong case and discover evidence gaps. Give your attorney all case-related documents, images, and other materials. Update your attorney throughout the investigation.
- Discuss financial needs and goals: Finding wrongful death compensation for your family is vital in a wrongful death claim. Talk to your wrongful death lawyer about your financial goals after engaging him. Medical expenditures, burial fees, missed wages, and emotional anguish are covered.
- Honest with Your Attorney: Open communication with your lawyer is essential. Be upfront about the argument’s flaws and facts. Early resolution of case difficulties is best. Even if it hurts the case, tell your attorney everything. Discuss your case expectations and procedural concerns.
- Trust the Process and Be Patient: Suing for wrongful death might take months or years. Trust that your attorney is working hard to get you justice. Complex obligations or expert witnesses might slow the legal procedure. Understand that your attorney needs time to investigate, negotiate, and litigate. This case’s emotional toll makes it tempting to settle quickly. Setting up quickly may not be ideal.
- Consider ADR: Many wrongful death lawsuits go to trial, but mediation or arbitration are options. If ADR speeds up and improves results, your attorney may recommend it. Mediation helps parties settle out of court.
- Be involved throughout: Maintain involvement even though your attorney handles most of the legal work. Inform your attorney of new information. Attend necessary case meetings, reviews, updates, depositions, and hearings.
- Take Care of Yourself and Family: Protect yourself and your family while filing a wrongful death claim. Grief and stress can be overwhelming; get help. Therapists, grief counselors, and support groups aid grievers.
Hiring a wrongful death attorney is vital for obtaining justice for a loved one’s negligence or wrongful death. After hiring an attorney, the above steps will help you manage the legal process and improve your prospects of success. Your attorney will guide you, and being proactive may honor your loved one and serve justice. At Hollingsworth & Hollingsworth APC, we reperesent the best lawyers who have handled a wide range of wrongful death cases. Contact us today at (619) 374-9320 to schedule a free consultation with our lawyers.